Which is better, manual trading or algorithmic trading?

The choice between manual trading and algorithmic trading depends on individual preferences and goals.� Both methodologies possess distinct advantages and limitations, making the determination of superiority subjective and reliant on individual preferences and trading objectives.Manual TradingManual trading involves decision-making based on human analysis, intuition, and real-time market observations. Traders execute trades manually without automated systems. It offers flexibility, allowing traders to adapt swiftly to changing market conditions, news events, or sudden fluctuations. Additionally, manual trading may suit individuals who prefer a hands-on approach and derive satisfaction from making independent trading decisions.Algorithmic Trading Algorithmic trading employs pre-defined instructions and automated systems to execute trades based on specific criteria, such as price movements, technical indicators, or mathematical algorithms. It operates without emotional bias, eliminates human error, and can execute trades at high speeds, leveraging advantages in latency-sensitive markets. Algorithmic trading appeals to those who favour systematic and disciplined approaches, leveraging the potential of backtested strategies.Determining SuperiorityThe suitability of manual or algorithmic trading depends on various factors including trader preferences, skill sets, risk tolerance, market conditions, and the complexity of trading strategies. While manual trading offers adaptability and human judgment, it may be prone to emotional biases and slower execution speeds. Algorithmic trading, while efficient and systematic, might lack adaptability in certain market scenarios and may require continuous monitoring and adjustment.Hence, there isn't a definitive �better� approach. Successful trading often involves a blend of both methodologies. Most traders combine manual strategies for subjective decision-making with algorithmic systems for execution.